PROSE belongs to the portfolio of the agency AQARTO. This agency works with independent independent experts in quality assurance. Experts are recognized on the basis of their expertise in quality assurance, their knowledge and experience with PROSE, their experience in providing training and their knowledge of one or more sectors for which versions have been developed (Education & Training, Health & Wellbeing, Services & Social Economy, Public Services & Agencies). PROSE experts provide advice and training at a fixed rate (see info at rates). Are you interested in being recognized as a PROSE expert and thus offering PROSE users support for their quality assurance? If you have several years of experience in quality assurance, have received training in the field, and have experience in one or more of the target sectors, you qualify. If you have experience with the PROSE instruments yourself and if you have already coached groups, this is a plus. If you are multilingua, there are additional opportunities. Contact us without obligation.