We organize an online training and on request also in-service training. Participants rate these training sessions with an average of 9 out of 10, with a score above 8 on all aspects: content, didactic approach, and usefulness. In the basic training we discuss the conditions, basic functions, principles and elements of a quality assurance system. We discuss basic methods (problem analysis, prioritization, process analysis and project management), the requirements for integrative quality assurance, working with measurements, surveys, projects, procedures and indicators. We explain the PROSE model and the PROSE Online Digital System (PODS) and apply several tools with examples and exercises. The basic training is organized as an online training with 4 to 6 participants, so that work can be done in a very interactive and targeted manner. It is organized in two sessions of 3 hours or three times 2 hours. The total cost of the online training is 195€ per participant; for PROSE licensees it is 145€. You can register as a candidate in advance. The planning of the online sessions is then done in consultation with the participants. In in-depth sessions, specific aspects of policy management, methods and techniques of quality assurance are discussed on the basis of experiences and questions from the participants. In-service training is on request and tailored to the requesting organization. Interested? You can show your interest or register without obligation by sending a message to info@prose.be .